A True Criminal Defense Customized To Your Unique Situation

At Jocuns Law Firm, I don’t just walk clients through a plea process. I litigate each case, which may include filing motions, going to trial and pursuing appeals. My mindset is to provide a real defense based on the details of your case and the potential impact on your life.

In the courtroom or in negotiations, I am fighting for you.

No Matter What The Charges

No Matter What The Charges

I Try To Walk A Mile In Your Shoes

Getting arrested and prosecuted is a scary, stressful ordeal. My firm does not take a case unless I can put myself in the shoes of the accused. I give every client the same honest advice and earnest effort that I would give to my own family members.

My team and I consider the person behind the charges – how this could affect your freedom, your livelihood, your standing in the community – and tailor our approach to your unique circumstances. Prior convictions or addiction issues, for example, may require different strategies than a person who has never been “in the system” before.

Strong Advocacy For The Injured Too

Attorney Bernard Jocuns

A True Trial Lawyer On Your Side

Few defense attorneys can say they have published decisions in cases before the Michigan Supreme Court and Michigan Court of Appeals. I am a graduate of the renowned Gerry Spence Trial Lawyers College and, in turn, I have taught courses on trial advocacy to other attorneys. My comfort level in the courtroom should be a comfort to you.

Jocuns Law Firm
Jocuns Law Firm

Exercise Your Right To An Attorney

Jocuns Law Firm

Reviews From Clients

My team believes every client is entitled to the presumption of innocence and the rights of the accused.